Tirana, 25 February 2022 - The Albanian National Youth Network (ANYN) announced today the completion of the reorganization process and new elections, including the election of the Board and the President of ANYN. The network for the next two years will be run by the new President, Ms. Marsela Delija, a student at the Law School of the University of Tirana. It is the second time in a row that ANYN chooses as a leader a young woman.
The Albanian National Youth Network is the largest network of young people, groups and organizations, promoting youth rights at the local and national level, engages and empowering young people to influence policymaking, and their participation in decision-making processes.
In the last 3 weeks ANYN entered in the process of reorganization and election of all its structures and leaders. The candidates were young people from the country's universities, youth-led groups and representatives of CSOs in Albania.
The newly elected president has years of experience as a youth activist, starting as the founder of the Tirana Youth Parliament. She has been involved with CRCA / ECPAT Albania since the age of 15, leading the preparation of the Report "Children for the Rights of the Child", the Girls' Summit in Albania and many other initiatives. Within ANYN she is engaged in the Youth Lab project of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC).
Frenki Hajdari was elected vice-President of ANYN. His goal is: "Investing in young people is an investment in the present and the future". Frankie also comes from a long experience as a youth rights activist. He is also one of the founders of the Tirana Youth Parliament and has recently been involved in the Regional Cooperation Council's Youth Lab "Mental Health for Youth" project taking place in six Western Balkan countries.
Meanwhile, Nina Ahmetaj, was elected Secretary General. The new board members also decided to reorganize the ANYN commissions, sharing responsibilities and toles in each of them.
The Albanian National Youth Network (ANYN) aims to increase the youth budget at the central and local level, access to comprehensive and quality education for young people, reduce youth crime, quality health services and increase youth participation in decision-making. ANYN is the largest youth network in Albania, consisting of young people from youth groups and organizations, youth political forums at local and national level, established in 2015 as a continuation of the youth network Youth Leadership Tirana, established created in 2012.
For more information, please contact:
Marsela Delija, President of ANYN
Email: info@anyn.al