Tirana, March 8, 2022 - Today is the day that society at the national and global level has dedicated to women and girls, and the awareness on their rights! Today is International Women's Day! Across the world, all countries make analise the achievements and the situation in which women and girls find themselves.
In Albania, the situation has not improved, but rather is deteriorating.
The latest data show that:
- 88.8% of women and girls in Albania have experienced violence;
- Over 150 women and girls were killed in Albania by their husbands or relatives, ranking among the worst countries for murdered women;
- 64.6% of women have experienced domestic or partner violence;
- At least 8000 women and girls report to the police every year domestic violence;
- 90 percent of sexual crimes are committed against young girls;
- 70% of girl-children are victims of online hate-speech.
The latest report "Global Study on Gender-Related Murders for Women and Girls", published by the UNODC, ranks Albania among the countries with the highest homicide rate, with 0.7 homicides per 100,000 women compared to European Union countries.
Girls and women in Albania make up almost half of the population with about 1,431,714 persons (INSTAT). Domestic violence continues to be widespread in all walks of life. According to INSTAT and UNDP, over 53% of them, or about 750 thousand women and girls in Albania, state that they have been victims of domestic violence at least once in their lives. The scale of domestic violence is even greater as most cases go unreported, because victims see domestic violence as a private matter.
CRCA / ECPAT Albania, has always raised its voice in aid of raped girls and in aid of those who do not find justice or even any help from the state. We have always stood by the victims, increasing the pressure on government institutions to build policies and mechanisms to help abused, exploited or trafficked girls and women.
On this March 8, on the International Women's Day, CRCA / ECPAT Albania, again strongly and urgently request from the Albanian Government and our legislators: Support the girls and women survivors of violence!
Male-female inequality, violence and sexual harassment in the workplace, public insecurity and lack of respect for the physical integrity of every girl and woman, domestic violence, unemployment, school dropout, social prejudice, gender bias, discrimination, and lack of equality in political representation, are some of the biggest problems that every girl and woman face in her life!
March 8, proclaimed as International Women's Day since 1910, is a day that commemorates the efforts made by all women to have equal rights in family, work, society and politics.
For more information, please contact:
CRCA/ECPAT Albania crca@crca.al